As you develop your legacy plans, remembering your favorite organizations and community can provide a lasting, and financial, legacy in your name.
There are several ways to leave a legacy, or future gift, to Lincoln Community Foundation (LCF) to benefit an organization, an area of interest, or the community as a whole. You can include LCF in your will or trust, or you can name LCF as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, retirement or other accounts.
You can establish your gift by speaking with your attorney or financial advisor, banker, insurance agent, or retirement plan custodian. We then work with you to customize your specific instructions in a separate fund agreement that can be changed at any time.
LCF has created the Legacy Society for those who have made plans to leave an end-of-life gift through their estate or beneficiary designations. Legacy Society members are special friends of LCF and their future gifts, memorialized in their name or the name of a loved one, recognize their thoughtfulness and leadership for the community for generations to come.
Endowed or permanent giving is very powerful as gifts are held and invested by LCF. Each year a portion of the permanent fund (the “spendable portion”) is granted to designated charities or other instructions as directed by you. Over time, the annual “spendable portion” grows and the initial gift provides sustainable giving and continued recognition to you, forever. Please refer to the Value of Endowment Giving to see the long-term impact endowed funds can make.