Photo of Mildred E.

Mildred E. Kemp*

Mildred came to Lincoln during World War I to attend the University of Nebraska. She became a music teacher and spent a full career teaching at Bethany (1927-1941) and Lincoln High Schools. Former students have often attested and reflected on her skills and the quality of the fine operettas she presented at Bethany. She enjoyed Nebraska football, proudly flying her "Big Red" flag on home game days, and made a contribution towards construction of the original football stadium.
A line from Longfellow comes to mind, "And departing leave behind us. Footprints on the sand of time." Miss Kemp passed away four months before her 89th birthday. She was a lifelong member of Second Presbyterian Church, but one would suppose she saw her most important "footprints" as the impact on the children that came under her care for 40 years.

Bethany and Lincoln High Schools, Lincoln, NE, music teacher

University of Nebraska

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