Photo of Ernest U.

Ernest U. Guenzel*

As Commander of Post No. 3, Ernest made many friends among servicemen and was instrumental in creating Memorial Drive. While Ernest was an officer at First National Bank, a loan was granted to a young man to start a new business. The day before the opening of the new venture, Ernie discovered that the recipient of the loan did not have a suit to wear, whereupon Ernie hurried to a clothing store and personally outfitted him with a new suit for the big event.  Ernest was a very kind and feeling man who did many things to help people less fortunate than he was.

First National Bank, Lincoln, NE, assistant vice president
Rudge and Guenzel Company, secretary-treasurer, 1923-192

University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 1917
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Lincoln High School, Lincoln, NE

Wife: Eda (Behling)
Children: Robert, Lois

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