Edwin J. Faulkner was a founder of the Lincoln Community Foundation.
Woodmen Accident and Life Company, Lincoln, NE, honorary chair of the board, 1984
Woodmen Accident and Life Company, Lincoln, NE, chairman of the board, 1977-1984
Woodmen Accident and Life Company, Lincoln, NE, president and director, 1954-1977
Woodmen Accident, Woodmen Central Life and Woodmen Central Assurance Companies, Lincoln, NE, elected president and director, 1938
Commercial Mutual Surety Company, Lincoln, NE, president and director, 1938
Woodmen Central Life Insurance Company, Lincoln, NE, vice president, 1936
Woodmen Accident Company, Lincoln, NE, assistant to the president, 1934
Woodmen Central Assurance Company, Lincoln, NE, elected treasurer, 1932
Woodmen Central Assurance Company, claim auditor, 1931
University of Pennsylvia, Master of Business Administration
Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, 1932-1934
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Bachelor of Arts, 1928-1932
Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, NE
Wife: Jean (Rathburn)