News - blog

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    Finding your philanthropic personality

    Here in Lincoln, charitable giving traditions are a big part of our community, although the way these values are translated into action may vary widely from person to person. And that’s a good thing!
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    A Love Letter to Give to Lincoln Day

    Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Jenny Chapin, shares her story of how a chance meeting on Give to Lincoln Day changed her life.
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    Sine Die: LCF's role in public policy advocacy during this past legislative session

    My boys, Jamie and Ben, were out of school for the day, and my wife and daughter were out of town. I decided they needed a civics lesson, so I told them to put on a nice shirt (I forgot to have them comb their hair), and we headed downtown.
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    Committing to Our Core Values

    I learned from a very young age that I was terrible at being anyone other than myself. As I grew and developed, I found freedom in truly being authentically me in all situations. After spending almost two decades in my line of work of major giving, I’ve realized that my main core value of authenticity has been behind the scenes – guiding my actions, decisions and ultimately my success.
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    Tackling Early Childhood Challenges Together

    A year ago, we received an email from a teacher at Lincoln Public Schools. She was referred to Lincoln Littles by a colleague trying to help her stay employed. You see, she was a single mother with three children in childcare. She loved her job and wanted to stay but was considering resigning to qualify for state subsidy. She simply couldn’t afford the cost of childcare.
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