Photo of Mary H.

Mary H. Copple*

2012 Charity Award Recipient

Ed and I feel very fortunate to have lived almost all of our lives in Lincoln. Lincoln is special because of its people.

The educational level of a Lincolnite is almost two years higher than the national average. The Lincoln Public Schools system is among the best in the nation: Lincoln has three universities, it has more churches per capita than most cities, and the YMCA facilities and programs are outstanding. Because of all of this, the philanthropic support for worthy projects in Lincoln is extremely strong. The Lincoln Community Foundation leads the way. 

Ed and I raised our four children here. I taught in the Lincoln Public Schools as an elementary teacher, while Ed served for many years as a member of the Lincoln School Board. Ed has been deeply involved with the YMCA and other community organizations. In short, we love Lincoln. 

We are doing everything philanthropically we can to keep all of these great things in place for the next generation to follow. The Lincoln Community Foundation has helped us immeasurably to make this possible.

2012 Lincoln Community Foundation Inaugural Charity Award Recipient

Lincoln Public Schools, elementary teacher

Husband: Ed
Children: Ken, Susie, Scott, Jim

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